Get shutter counter for Canon cameras on Linux
By Pierre-Alain B on Saturday, June 3 2017, 06:16 - Permalink
It can be useful to know the shutter counter for your Canon reflex camera, for example to compare with the data available here:
Wait no more, it is easy to access the shutter counter with gphoto2 on Linux.
Let's start with the installation of gphoto2 (replace apt with your favorite package manager):
apt install gphoto2
Then plug the camera to the computer with an USB cable and then:
gphoto2 --auto-detect
It should show something like this:
Model Port ---------------------------------------------------------- Canon EOS 700D usb:001,007 /// Then
gphoto2 --get-config /main/status/shuttercounter
and this is it:
Label: Shutter Counter Type: TEXT Current: 14611 ///